Our Services

What We Can Offer You


Wide Angle View Of Carpentry Workshop With Students Studying For Apprenticeship At College

Vocational Training

We will refer you to a Vocational training program that focus on the skills required for a particular job function or trade. Also assist you through the entire process.

Community Outreach

Our hands on Outreach Team AKA “Boots On The Ground” goes door to door meeting the people at their needs. We bring the resources to them. The difference maker for us is our Success Coaches who were once part of the problem are now part of the solution so we can relate with the residents. We have the formula to reduce crime and recidivism and make the community a safer place to live.
Job search concept. Serious HR manager looking through applicant's resume during employment interview at office

Job Search & Placement Assistance

Job Search & Placement assistance is a form of help provided to job seekers from all walks of life by a variety of different sources. ... Our team will help job seekers find appropriate position openings and work with them to prepare for interviews.
Road To Reentry

Re-entry Services

We create greater opportunities for returning citizens who face multiple barriers to economic success.

Food Assistance

We will assist you with your food stamp application and provide emergency meals as needed.
Real estate agent handing the house key

Housing Referrals

We will assist you with both temporary and long term housing.
Young managers clapping hands after speech of coach

Success Coaching

Your Success Coach is available to assist you, as needed, with services such as Job Training & Work Readiness Skills, Career development, transportation, financial guidance, legal support, etc.; with the objective of helping you excel in your Reentry back to your community.
Side view portrait of mature psychologist consulting African man in therapy session, copy space

Mental Toughness Training

It involves training and preparing oneself to be mentally ready for whatever challenge comes our way. The 4 C’s of Mental Toughness. Control, Commitment, Challenge and Confidence.

Life Skills & Mentorship

We pair mentors with the residence who will work on developing life skills together.
High angle portrait of people sitting in circle during therapy session in support group, copy space

Substance Abuse Treatment

Depending on a person’s evaluation and physical health and well-being, individuals will work with a counselor to determine their Individual Plan for recovery.

Florida ID/License Assistance

We will assist in obtaining Florida ID cards and licenses, birth certificates, social security cards, other documents needed to obtain an ID/license as well as assistance with restoring your voting rights.
Man's clothes flat lay with blue jeans, T-shirt, pullover, leather shoes and belt

Clothing, Transportation Assistance and many more services

New and used clothing is donated specifically for the community. We can provide bus passes and other forms of transportation, depending on your location.
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